Imagine your website, online store, or app as a masterpiece, and now this is the perfect moment to share it with the world! Think of Pinterest as your magic wand – it is where 320 million folks hang out every month, discovering and sharing things they adore. Crafting your Pinterest profile just the way it feels right, and sharing captivating pins, is like unveiling your creation to a brand-new audience. 

The best part? You get all the attention without spending a single cent. This article is your guide to making Pinterest work wonders for you, bringing in heaps of free traffic and elevating the awesomeness of your site!

Drive Free Traffic From Pinterest To Your Website
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Table of Contents

Why Use Pinterest?

Pinterest is a gold mine for driving targeted traffic to your website. Here are a few reasons why:

  • You can reach new audiences each day. It has over 320 million monthly users, many of whom are there to discover new products, ideas, and inspiration. By highlighting your pins and boards, you showcase your content and products in front of people actively looking for what you offer.
  • It is perfect for visual content. If you have an e-commerce store or sell physical products, Pinterest is ideal. Eye-catching product pics and lifestyle images are exactly what Pinterest users want to see.
  • Pins lead to high-quality traffic. Pinterest users tend to have high purchase intent since they're browsing for things to buy or make. The traffic from Pinterest converts well, so those visitors are more likely to take action on your site.
  • Starting on Pinterest is a breeze, and it won't cost you a penny. No need for tech wizardry – simply create an account, share your awesome pins, and begin growing your audience. The beauty of it all? All this traffic-building magic comes completely free.

Do not let this chance slip away to share your message and boost sales. Begin pinning today, and witness your Pinterest followers transforming into website visitors, subscribers, and customers. The possibilities for growing your business are enormous, and they are right there for you on Pinterest.

Optimizing Your Pinterest Profile for Maximum Exposure

Driving tons of free traffic to your website with Pinterest, optimizing your profile is key! An eye-catching profile with high-quality pins is like a magnet for new followers and clicks.

Drive Free Traffic From Pinterest To Your Website

Choose An Irresistible Profile Photo:

Pick an image that showcases your brand’s personality. A friendly smile, your product in action, your logo - the options are endless! Just make sure it’s high resolution, visually appealing, and consistent with your website’s look and feel.

Craft A Compelling Bio:

Tell visitors about your business, products, and services in an upbeat, energetic way. Share your brand’s story and mission to build a connection. Keep it short, around 2 sentences, and include a call-to-action like “Check out our latest styles!” to drive traffic.

Curate Gorgeous Pins:

Pins are like mini ads for your site. Post eye-catching images of your products, latest blog posts, or brand inspirations. Include prices, links back to your site, and product details to turn browsers into buyers. Aim for 10-20 new pins per week to keep your profile active and engaging.

With an irresistible profile and regular pinning, you will gain new followers fast. And the more followers you catch, the more re-pins, likes, and comments your pins will get - which means major exposure for your website! Pinterest marketing does take work, but with these tips, you will be well on your way to driving tons of free traffic and sales from this popular social network.

Creating High-Quality Pins That Attract Your Target Audience

Creating eye-catching pins is key to driving traffic from Pinterest to your website or online store. When designing pins, keep these tips in mind to attract your target audience:

Use Attractive Visuals:

Pinterest is a visual platform, so pins with gorgeous images get the most attention. Use high-quality photos that highlight your products or blog posts. Infographics, illustrations, and video clips also perform well. Whatever visuals you choose, make sure they look polished and professional.

Write Compelling Titles and Descriptions:

Along with great visuals, you need titles and descriptions that make people stop and click. Use action verbs and intriguing language to capture interest. Ask questions, offer tips, or share exciting details about what people will find when they click through. Describe the key benefits and solutions your content provides. Keep your descriptions relatively short, around 2 to 3 sentences.

Choose Relevant Boards:

Drive Free Traffic From Pinterest To Your Website

Pin your content to boards where your target audience spends time. If you have a home decor business, focus on home decor and DIY boards. If you blog about travel, pin to popular travel boards. Re-pin other popular pins in those boards to increase visibility. You can also create your own themed boards to curate content for your followers.

Use Hashtags Strategically:

Hashtags help people discover your pins through searches. Include 3 to 5 popular hashtags in your descriptions that are closely related to your content. Check what hashtags other top pinners in your niche are using for inspiration. But don’t go overboard—too many hashtags make your pins look spammy.

Engage with Your Followers:

Build relationships with people who follow you by liking their pins and leaving genuine comments. Thank people who repin your content or comment on your pins. Run contests and giveaways to increase engagement. An engaged audience will become loyal followers and help spread your pins to new potential customers.

With stunning visuals, compelling copy, and smart strategies to increase visibility, you'll be driving more and more traffic from Pinterest to your website in no time. Happy pinning!

Using Tailwind and Other Tools to Automate Pinterest

Pinterest tools like Tailwind, Curalate, and Board Booster can save you tons of time and drive more traffic to your site. Use them to automate Pinning, analyze your audience, and boost engagement.

1. Tailwind:

  • Tailwind is a must-have tool for automating your Pinterest marketing. It allows you to bulk upload Pins, schedule them, and automatically re-pin your top content.
  • Bulk upload and schedule hundreds of Pins at once. No more Pinning one image at a time!
  • Tailwind will automatically repin your top-performing Pins to keep them at the top of your boards and in front of new viewers.
  • Tailwind has analytics to show you which Pins are getting the most re-pins, clicks, and traffic so you can create more of what is working!

2. Other Useful Tools:

  • Board Booster: Automatically suggests related content to Pin to your boards. It can Pin from your site as well as curated content from around the web.
  • Curalate: Powerful analytics to see which of your Pins are driving the most traffic, engagement, and revenue. Curalate also offers reports to help optimize your Pinterest strategy.
  • Viralwoot: Find trending content on Pinterest to share with your followers. It can automatically Pin trending content to your boards and schedule Pins for maximum visibility.
  • Piqora: Provides analytics and helps you discover trending content, hashtags, and influencers in your industry. Piqora offers competitive analysis reports so you can see how other brands are performing on Pinterest.

With tools to automate your Pinning, analyze your metrics, and discover trending content, you will be driving tons of free traffic from Pinterest to your website in no time. The best part is many of these tools have free trials or plans to get you started.


What are you waiting for? With these tips and tricks, you now have the keys to unlock a traffic goldmine with Pinterest. Put in the effort to optimize your pins, build an eye-catching profile, engage with others, and promote your best content. Stay active and consistent, find your tribe, and watch as your website traffic grows over time. While Pinterest marketing does require work, the rewards of higher visibility, more social shares, and new potential customers make it worth the investment. Take action today and start pinning your way to success! The open road of opportunity is waiting - time to put the pedal to the metal and drive that free traffic.


Pinterest is a treasure full of free traffic for your website. Here are the answers to some of the frequently asked questions about driving Pinterest traffic:

How long does it take to see traffic from Pinterest?

Getting traffic from Pinterest is like growing a garden. While you might notice a few sprouts within the first week or two, the real magic happens over time. Just like you tend to your garden daily, on Pinterest, it is about consistent care – pinning 2-3 times each day. It is a journey that rewards patience and dedication. Keep at it, and you will have a flourishing garden of visitors, maybe even hundreds or thousands every month!

What kind of content works best on Pinterest?

Creating amazing content is the secret method on Pinterest. Picture-perfect photos, creative infographics, beautiful illustrations, and engaging videos steal the show. Pinners love content that sparks inspiration, imparts knowledge, or simplifies their lives. So, if you are into DIY tutorials, tasty recipes, home decor inspiration, or fashion tips, you are on the right track to winning hearts on Pinterest!

Should I use hashtags on Pinterest?

Using hashtags can boost the discoverability of your content on Pinterest, especially if you incorporate popular hashtags in your specific area. Stick to 2-3 hashtags per pin; going overboard is not the Pinterest way. Remember, Pinterest is all about visual allure, so let your hashtags enhance your breathtaking images, not steal their spotlight.

How do I get more followers on Pinterest?

Follow other Pinners in your niche, like their pins and boards, and start conversations in the comments. Engage with your followers by liking and commenting on their pins as well. Run contests and giveaways to increase engagement. But the number 1 way to gain more followers is to consistently pin high-quality, attractive content. Pinners will flock to you!

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